The F/A-18 Hornet is a multi role fighter. It is designed for both air-to-air and air to ground missions and is one of the most potent fighter and accurate strike attack aircraft in the world.
It is capable of air interception, air combat, close air support of ground troops and interdiction of enemy supply lines including shipping.
The F/A-18 is equipped with precision weapons including a wide range of air-to air and air-to-surface missiles, laser guided and conventional bombs and is armed with a 20mm nose-mounted cannon for ground and airborne targets, with an ability to strike virtually any target under nearly any conditions.
The F/A-18 is also capable of air-to-air refuelling from our Air Force A330 MRTT aircraft.
The fleet is operated by numbers 78 and 81 Wings within the Air Combat Group and includes three operational squadrons, Nos.3, and 77 at Williamtown, New South Wales and 75 at Tindal, Northern Territory. No.2 Operational Conversion Unit is also at Williamtown. The fleet has just undergone a major avionics upgrade to ensure effective operations for the next 10 to 15 years.
Developed for use by the US Navy and Marine Corps, the F/A-18 is also used by Canada, Spain, Kuwait, Switzerland, Finland and Malaysia.