
 The ‘Wedgetail’ B737 provides the RAAF with unprecedented airborne radar integration. It has drastically improved the capability and effectiveness of all other RAAF flying assets, particularly when flying into potentially hostile areas. Six Boeing 737 New Generation aircraft have been modified to accommodate sophisticated mission systems and radars that will increase Australia’s surveillance and air combat capability, provide air defence support for our naval fleet, and assist in civil operations such as border protection and search and rescue.

2SQN has been reformed in Williamtown under the control of 41WG and will host the modern new aircraft. It will have ten hour endurance on its internal fuel and will have the ability to refuel in-flight in conjunction with new KC-30 tankers. This will allow it to cover all of the NT and WA on one mission. The radar and electronic surveillance suit will be state of the art and promise to be a most potent force multiplier for the ADF.